by Kody Keplinger
ISBN: 978-1-444903508 (english)
Paperback: 6,99£
published 2012 at Hodder Children's Books
German: Von wegen Liebe (at cbt)
German: Von wegen Liebe (at cbt)
Seventeen-year-old Bianca Piper is smart, cynical, loyal - and well
aware that she's not the hot one in her group of friends. But when
high-school jock and all round moron Wesley Rush tells her she's a DUFF -
a Designated, Ugly Fat Friend - Bianca does not the see funny side. She
may not be a beauty but she'd never stoop so low as to go anywhere near
the likes of Wesley ... Or would she? Bianca is about to find out that
attraction defies looks and that sometimes your sworn enemies can become
your best friends ...
With a wry and tell-it-like-it-is voice, The Duff
is a witty and poignant story of a teenager struggling with the rules
of high school attraction, along with the breaking down of her
relationships with family and friends. It is a novel about what it means
to be sexy, in a world where we feel we have to be perfect! Source: hachettechildrens
I really liked this book. In my opinion, it was very funny, interesting and I really liked this kind of "lovestory" touch that it had.
Firstly, I have to talk about Bianca - the main character. I really liked her. She was very nice and was a perfect friend, but she could also be super ironic and kind of evil. But exactly this not very nice side of Bianca was very funny and I had a lot of fun with it. I liked the way she always annoyed Wesley and how she was always kind of evil-sweet-funny when he was around. But I also really enjoyed the way she was, when she was with her dad and how she cared about him and all that kind of stuff. Over all, I absolutely loved her Character and enjoyed the time reading! She is not a typical character who depends on anyone. She is just awesome on her own. But of course, all the other characters were great, too. Like Wesley (the other main character). He is literally just like the best companion piece to Bianca ever! He has just the same characteristics and when the two spend time together, there is always a funny conversation or anything funny.
The atmosphere that Bianca and Wesley created together was just great. It seems as if they were bestfriends with a plus but then they treat each other like enemies and then they seem to be best friends again. It's like they are best enemies.
The story was very interesting and I liked the time Bianca and Wesley spent together - although I was a little bit shocked at the beginning. But how their relation changes and how Bianca's problems develop was really interesting and I couldn't stop reading. Of course, at the end there goes something wrong and I was really thrilled to see how it would end - and if it would end in a good way. And of course I liked the story because of the funny moments that happen, too. There were so many of them that I had to grin quietly to myself a lot but also sometimes had to laugh out loud. It was just great! ♥
And of course: the message is really cool! In my opinion the book wants to say that there is no DUFF and that you shuldn't always take everything too personal that people think or say about you - because they maybe are just like you but need somebody to bully to feel better. I really liked this message, I think it is a really good one and it can be a guardian for a lot of people that are concentrated on not being different and that just want to blend in. You do not have t be perfect, just be who you are!
The ending came too fast and I wanted to read more of Bianca and Wesley. They are just such a perfect team (I know I talked about them a lot in this review but they are just awesome! ^^) and I could read at least a million other books with them, too. So - unfortunetly - there is just one book featuring them. But this book is awesome!
The atmosphere that Bianca and Wesley created together was just great. It seems as if they were bestfriends with a plus but then they treat each other like enemies and then they seem to be best friends again. It's like they are best enemies.
The story was very interesting and I liked the time Bianca and Wesley spent together - although I was a little bit shocked at the beginning. But how their relation changes and how Bianca's problems develop was really interesting and I couldn't stop reading. Of course, at the end there goes something wrong and I was really thrilled to see how it would end - and if it would end in a good way. And of course I liked the story because of the funny moments that happen, too. There were so many of them that I had to grin quietly to myself a lot but also sometimes had to laugh out loud. It was just great! ♥
And of course: the message is really cool! In my opinion the book wants to say that there is no DUFF and that you shuldn't always take everything too personal that people think or say about you - because they maybe are just like you but need somebody to bully to feel better. I really liked this message, I think it is a really good one and it can be a guardian for a lot of people that are concentrated on not being different and that just want to blend in. You do not have t be perfect, just be who you are!
The ending came too fast and I wanted to read more of Bianca and Wesley. They are just such a perfect team (I know I talked about them a lot in this review but they are just awesome! ^^) and I could read at least a million other books with them, too. So - unfortunetly - there is just one book featuring them. But this book is awesome!
The novel is super interesting (and funny! :D) and has two great main characters that just can be loved. And the message of the novel is just great!
Ohh The Duff fand ich damals sooo toll, hab es vor zwei Wochen oder so nochmal gelesen, aber irgendwie war es nicht mehr gaaanz so gut, och man :(
AntwortenLöschenAber schön, dass es dir so gut gefallen hat ^-^
Alles Liebe,
May <3
Och maaahn, schade.. :(
LöschenIch muss The Duff auch mal lesen endlich :/
AntwortenLöschenFinds übrigens super dass du auch auf Englisch bloggst - so kann man das sehr gut üben :))))
xxx, Ana
Jaaaaa tu das! Ich fand das Buch echt super! :)
LöschenBlogg doch auch mal auf Englisch, das ist zuerst irgendwie gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber dann macht es richtig Spaß. :)